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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Modern-Day Hunter-Gatherer

Loggerhead Shrike
It was pretty busy on and about the mountain this morning; the Sunset Area parking lot looked to be full when we got there at 7:30 a.m.  There were even three cars parked where we usually leave our RAV4, though one hiker--a woman and her two dogs (who we see almost every Saturday)--was just pulling out.  Becca and I didn't run into any hikers in the outback, though, and we liked it just fine that way.  I was happy to hunt for subjects I thought might make appealing images for photographs:  thus the hunter-gatherer reference.  (Yeah, I know--the metaphor didn't seem forced when I thought of it during our trek.)
Still pretty colorful in the desert

Looking south

The very best hiking companion

Tortugas (left) and the Organs

Following my tracks from yesterday in the opposite direction

Huge spur-like Yucca (Organ Mountains in background)

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The orange-tinted ocotillo leaves are so pretty in the sunlight.

Nest Building

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