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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pepper Becker

When Becca and I had just started our hike this morning Jimmy was driving up to the parking lot.  He called out the passenger window:  "Maybe I'll see you on the other side."  He was going to hike up over the mountain and come down on the road.  We did, indeed, link up with him, as we also did with Courtney (girls softball coach at Centennial High) and her dog, Pepper.  Whenever I say hello to Pepper I'm reminded of one of my favorite episodes of the sitcom "Becker," starring Ted Danson, when, pressed to come up with a name for his imaginary sister while having dinner with a woman at a restaurant, he looks at the pepper shaker and says, "Pepper--Pepper Becker."  You have to see the episode for full effect.  By the way, why hasn't "Becker" been syndicated on Netflix or another streaming service?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm sure that Becca was happy to see Jimmy, and probably Pepper as well.

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