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Monday, November 9, 2015

Slight Detour

Becca and I did an extra-long hike this morning.  We left our car in the Sunset Area parking lot and headed up the trail leading to higher elevations.  Instead of going to the top, though, we skirted the flank of the mountain before dropping down again into the lower desert.  The semi-lofty heights are represented by the first three images here.  We did a little bushwhacking to avoid encounters with other hikers, but on the way back in we bumped into a man hiking alone and a man and woman who annoyingly were stalled on a narrow portion of trail and didn't move in the least to give us room to maneuver around them.  They were friendly, and I said "Good morning" to them, but I felt a bit aggravated by their thoughtlessness 


Dr. K said...

That first photo, with the contrast between the darkish sky and the sunny trail, is especially nice.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. :)

ToniL said...

Are you still there, Rob? Suddenly missing from FB and Scribblers! Hope you are OK.

packrat said...

Aw, thanks, Tonia. Yes, still here. Everything's fine. Just a bit fed up with social media. I did manage to stay on FB twice as long as last time--three whole months! I appreciate your concern. Take care. :)

Scott said...

I "love" it when bicyclists stop on the side of bike trails to talk or retrieve their water bottles and block half or more of the trail. To be honest, it's usually the "weekend warriors" who pull this thoughtless stunt. Regardless, I agree with you Packrat: it's aggravating.

Nina Rahima said...
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Nina Rahima said...

Rob, would it be OK if I shared your reason for leaving Scribblers? to prevent all those speculations...I love knowing that you are OK, just fed up - I know the others will be relieved too

I will miss you ! :)


packrat said...

Scott: We've had our share of encounters with thoughtless mountain bikers gabbing on the trail; and because Becca is afraid of mountain bikes it's always a stressful situation. I guess it's the same phenomenon as shoppers leaving their grocery carts sideways in the aisles while they go into a trance reading product ingredients. :)

packrat said...


Thanks for the good thoughts. Of course you can share my reason for leaving Scribblers. I'll miss you, too. All the best.


Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...