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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday Scramble

Trekking along the foothills
Becca and I did a long Saturday trek west of Tortugas Mountain, and we only ran into two people when we had nearly finished our hike.  We did see some people with dogs on Geothermal when we were about a mile into our trek, but we saw nobody else in the outback while exploring and taking photos.  I use my FujiFilm camera for snapping pics, and Becca uses her smartphone.  Between the two of us we usually get some good images.
I see dog people

The way west

Bishop Cap on the horizon

Western flank of Tortugas and the Organ Mountain

Fire ring

Yellowing Ocotillos west of Tortugas

Watching for critters

Partly cloudy down that way

Some Ocotillos are still green

Other Ocotillos have yellowed out

Tortugas and the Organs

Misty mountains

Multi-hued Ocotillo wand

Desert Marigolds running out of time

Up a large arroyo west of the Tortoise

Becca explores the arroyo ahead of me

Just to give an idea of how tall some Ocotillos are

Color along the road around the mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It appears that you are hiking in a forest of multi-colored ocotillos.

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