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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Fun to No Fun Ratio

Soaptree Yuccas blooming all over the place
I only enjoyed my trek about 10% as much as I usually do because my trusty hiking companion, Becca, had to stay home with a gimpy leg.  She's much better than she was yesterday, but still hobbling a bit.  Unfortunately for both of us, she'll be taking several more days off of hiking.  I don't want to have her hurry back only to injure her leg more severely.  She sure doesn't like it, though, giving me dirty looks all the while as I apologize profusely to her for not taking her along. :(
Black-throated Sparrow

Little lemon bulb

Lesser Goldfinch

Whitethorn Acacia and the Organ Mountains

Scott's Oriole

Soaptree Yucca flowers

Late-blooming Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus


Chihuahuan Raven


Cholla flowers

Desert Willow

Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis)

Mexican Bird of Paradise

Desert Willow flowers and buds

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's nice that the desert willow trees are blooming with their reddish-pink and yellow flowers. So beautiful.

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