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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunset Side Sunday

Happy to be on the trail
Dr. K, Becca and I did a moderately-long hike on the west side of Tortugas Mountain this morning, all of us recognizing how much hotter it was today than on previous mornings.  Becca took quite a few shade and water breaks, though, and we all made it through no worse for wear.  Becca showed no signs of limping so we're cautiously optimistic about her physical condition.  We weren't surprised at the large number of outdoor enthusiasts on and about the mountain; it is, after all, Sunday.
You take shade where you find it in the desert

The sound of a cicada in the brush sends a desert hiker's pulse skyrocketing

I've been monitoring this Parry's Agave for a month now

White-winged Dove

Shade and water break

Dr. K looking up at the mountain

Blooming out

Yucca buds and flowers (and observatory)

This and the next:  more Soaptree Yucca blossoms

And a small bee

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Soaptree Yuccas just west of Tortugas Mountain

Odd-looking old Soaptree

Hummer making a rapid departure

Burying oneself in one's work

Where does the pistil end and the Metallic Green Sweat Bee begin?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I've never heard of the metallic green sweat bee before--how pretty it looks rummaging around in the prickly pear flower.

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