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Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday Heat

This and the next four:  same Sacred Datura (Datura wrightii)
Becca and I got a late start this morning on the west side of Tortugas Mountain, and we paid the price a bit.  It was decidedly hotter out there than it has been for the past three days.  I chose a route a little longer than normal, which forced us to take a few more shade and water breaks than usual.  All was well, though, as we both enjoyed our daily trek.  Far west of the mountain we ran into a man and woman from Alaska; they were a little lost, and the man asked about the way back to Geothermal Road.  After I pointed him in the right direction we talked about dogs.  They'd had a Yellow Lab, and they were both captivated by Becca.  The man correctly identified the Heeler in her.  We parted ways after that brief conversation.

Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum cynanchoides), aka "fringed twinevine"

On the upper foothills trail

Searing heat

Ocotillos still greened out

Very surprised to find a lone Ocotillo blossom

Same Ocotillo flower

West of Tortugas Mountain

Couldn't resist another image of a Barrel Cactus

Some Ocotillos provide little shade

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photos of the Sacred Datura. Some of the leaves seems almost transparent because of the light coming through them.

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