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Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Antlion (Vella fallax?)
Despite a really early start, and getting back home just after 9 a.m., Becca and I were pretty miserable on our morning trek.  It just felt yucky out there:  hot, sun-drenched and no breeze to speak of.  I was glad to cut the hike short due to several chores I had to take care of today, including the weekly shopping trip at Target and Albertsons.  Our cupboards were decidedly bare because of our recent trip up into the Sacramento Mountains--where we wish we were right now.  Saw a few other outdoor enthusiasts west of the mountain, but, for the most part, the area of desert we were in seemed mostly vacant.  Not a bad way for a desert to be.
This and the next 4:  Melon Loco (Apodanthera undulata)

The melon (a member of the cucumber family)

More flowers and a gourd

Beautiful Melon Loco flower

Another gourd

Here we go with the Barrel Cacti again

Roll out the barrel

We'll have a barrel of fun

A bit closer look

Closer still

Two barrels are better than one

Dayflower (Commelina erecta)

Mountainous teeth

An arroyo runs through it

Not much of a shade break, eh?

One hot dog

Having grown up together:  Soaptree Yucca and Ocotillo

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Can't get enough of those flowering barrel cacti.

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