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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Aborted Trip

Dynamic sky at start
Becca and I did a near normal hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, although that wasn't the original plan.  We had intended to head to the high country with Dr. K after an abbreviated trek, but we had to cancel due to inclement weather in the Sacramento Mountains--namely heavy snow accumulating in High Rolls/Mountain Park and higher elevations.  If we had been up there already when the storms hit things would have been fine; but heading up in the middle of heavy snowfall is just not a good idea.  Also, the temperatures are going to be quite cold, falling to 8F one night, and we're a bit concerned about Becca having to endure the freezing weather.  So we aborted.  I had to cancel my Hold Mail request, which means that my mail will be held anyway because the Las Cruces, New Mexico post office is possibly the very worst in the entire American Southwest.
On to the upper foothills trail

Bush reflection in a small puddle in rock (aka "tinaja")

The long view west across the Rio Grande

Ocotillos, yucca and clouds

This morning's moon #1



The clouds at lower center are masking the Florida Mountains near Deming

Deming is 60.2 miles from here (Las Cruces)

Trail to the clouds

I see a raccoon's head and/or a fish in that cloud

Could be a ferret

In the upper foothills now

Long view to the Organs


Clouds over Tortugas

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like those 3 different images of the moon in the bright blue sky. It's cold even down here in the low desert!

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...