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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Take a Hike (On the Far Side)

In the next photo you can see where these outcrops are on the mountain
Becca and I got an early start on the far side of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and even though there was one SUV in the parking lot near the ramada we saw absolutely no one during our trek; and when we got back the lot was empty.  The Organ Mountains had an enduring affair with the clouds all during our hike, and the wind made sure to create awesome formations over the peaks.  The wind was less of a factor in the lower elevations so--with the help of bright sunshine--the temperature felt just right.  And, of course, both Becca and I were dressed properly to endure the elements.
Just left of the shadow

Monte Vista ramada and Tortugas Mountain's north face

Sinuous shadows

From the wide arroyo

Yuccas on the steep slope

More yuccas

Boulder and Sotol

Looking alert behind the mountain

Boulder and yucca

You can see how rugged that slope is

I'm guessing this is volcanic

West of the Organs

Even further west

Becca looking back at the way we've just come

Yucca and the Organs


Far west of the Organs now

Closing back in on the mountains

Clouds were doing crazy things over the peaks this morning

Leading the way

Ice cream scoops or clouds over the mountains?

I guess they're clouds

The wind moving clouds around

More clouds

I guess this should be "even more clouds over the mountains"

Cloudy peaks

A bit closer look

Crowd of yuccas on the slope


One last look at the cloudy Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those are amazing clouds over the mountains, Packrat. I enjoy seeing the different perspectives in these photos.

Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...