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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Cold, Wet Trek

This and the next three:  clouds and rain in the Organ Mountains
There was no rain in the weather forecast for this morning, yet it rained lightly the entire time it took Dr. K, Becca and me to drive to the Sierra Vista Trail (south) parking lot.  Then it continued to rain intermittently all during our trek.  We didn't get soaked, but we did get wet, and on several different occasions I had to wipe raindrops off my camera lens.  The worst part of the hike was the cold wind, which made the outing quite unpleasant at times.  Nevertheless, we got in some good exercise despite shortening the hike due to weather conditions.  When we were almost back to Whitey the CR-V we saw a couple of men with a dog, the latter animal wearing a vest.  When we got to the parking lot it was filled with vehicles, and we saw several people standing in the rain with dogs.  They were volunteers from the local Search & Rescue group congregating for a rainy morning training session.

Becca leading the way on a wet hike

Sotols and the Organ Mountains

Sotols and a lone Ocotillo

♫ There were Ocotillos on a hill  . . . ♫

Sierra Vista Trail

Weather conditions all morning

It rained lightly on-and-off all during our trek

Becca scouting the territory left . . .

. . . and right

Heading south

Becca sees things we don't

The next trail marker

Getting a little closer

Bishop Cap is at right

Living in the high foothills of the Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Despite the unpleasant weather, you took some gorgeous photos of the clouds and the landscape.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...