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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hiking on Holy Day

On the first plateau in OMDPNM
Dr. K, Becca and I got an early start on a Sunday trek on the Sierra Vista Trail (Norte) in Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument this morning.  Three of the camping areas had resident campers, and one of the RVs sported an Alberta, Canada license plate.  In the lower parking lot sat a gray RAV-4, but we didn't see anybody until we were about halfway through our hike.  A group of people hiking with three dogs on leads came up behind us then; we stood aside while they passed us on the narrow trail east to the Organ Mountains.  On our return we found a lot partially filled with vehicles, most belonging to members of the Search & Rescue team out for morning practice with their dogs.  One of the dogs left alone in the back of a white Jeep was whining vociferously while another, tethered by a lead to its human, barked at Becca a few times.  Becca was so distracted by the canine members of the team she wouldn't even drink water while she stood in the back compartment of Whitey the CR-V.
Frosty morning

Snow on Barrel Cacti

Iceberg in the Arctic Ocean or snow-covered desert mountains?

Becca and Dr. K

Organ Mountains with a little snow

Becca leading the way

Shadow and light on the Organs

Slightly different perspective

And again

Straight on

Magnified slightly

Snow on Barrel Cacti clones

Becca didn't seem bothered by the cold this morning

Pretty good camouflage

Looked better in person

Snowy bushes in an arroyo

Blanketed in snow still

Becca in a narrow arroyo

Tortugas Mountain in the distance

Snow seemed to linger on plants in the arroyo

Organs against a blue sky

More snow on some peaks

Two more looks at the Organ Mountains


Heading back

What's with all the vehicles?

The only vehicle in the lot when we started off was the RV

One last peak at the Organs

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The snow on the ground melted pretty quickly, but fortunately there's still a lot on the Organs. Beautiful photos.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...