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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Near Miss on the Near Side

Just starting off
Becca and I did a bit of a longer hike this morning, and we were happy to run into Tracey and George up by the old dilapidated shack.  We talked for a few minutes before going our separate ways.  Becca had quite a lot of energy out there, and I was glad to see it.  We saw only one other avid hiker on the west side of Tortugas, a woman who was obviously headed to the top of the mountain.  On our way in--just as we reached the trailhead--we encountered JC and Olivia stepping out of their Honda Pilot.  If we had got back only a few minutes earlier we'd have missed them completely.  We chatted for a little while before heading off in different directions.
Sky to the west

Anything in this direction?

What about this way?

Dead yucca head

These Ocotillo buds won't make it

Anybody on the road to the mountaintop?

Ocotillos, Bishop Cap and a sunbeam

Dynamic cloud

Major miracle over the Organ Mountains

Miracle #2

Devil's Head

Closer look at the Devil's Head spines

Apostrophe-shaped cloud

Part of Las Cruces, New Mexico

Turning red

Clouds and blue sky over Tortugas

Trail to the doughnut hole

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, Packrat. I especially like the 2 photos of the devilhead cactus surrounded by the white rocks.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...