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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

After Trek Trip

This and the next 2:  sky at start
Got a very early start on a hike west of Tortugas this morning because I had decided to go directly to both Target and Albertsons right after my trek.  I saw only one other outdoor enthusiasts before encountering my pal Jimmy on the way back to the Sunset Area.  He and I talked a spell before parting company.

My decision to do the shopping right after my outing worked well, and I got home in a timely manner.  Dr. K helped me offload the supplies, and I took a quick shower afterward before having lunch at just fifteen minutes or so later than usual.

I only detail these events because my millions of followers are intently interested in my daily chores. :)

A favorite shady spot

The long view

3 views of the moon

Yucca and sky

Small arroyo west of Tortugas Mountain

Another arroyo

Soaptree Yucca west of Tortugas Mountain

Road around the mountain

House Finch

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the "three views of the moon," with the wispy clouds, bright blue sky, and bright crescent moon.

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