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Monday, November 25, 2019

Cold and Cloudy Morn

Across the Mesilla Valley
High 30s Fahrenheit when I left home for a morning hike today; and that temperature would be fine had the sun decided to make an appearance, but it was cloudy with few breaks in the heavy cover.  Fortunately there was no wind, which would have made conditions feel really bad.

Not long after starting my trek I heard a lot of barking behind me and turned to see a young man and woman with two dogs on leads closing fast as they jogged with their canines in my direction.  One dog was a small hound--looked like a Beagle mix--and the other a Heeler.  The people explained to me that the dogs had never been to this area and weren't used to the surroundings yet.

I ended up bushwhacking further than I intended to go, hoping I'd see the Coyotes I heard yipping in the near distance; I never did.  On the way back, just as I was traversing the upper foothills trail, I saw my pal Jimmy heading my way; he made a detour in order to spend a few minutes chatting, which we did.  It was too cold to stand for long, though, and I could feel my lower back tightening from inaction.  We parted company after a short while.  When I reached Whitey the CR-V a bit later the sun acted like it would poke through soon.
Favorite sandy spot

Trail to the road around the mountain

Organ Mountains (Bishop Cap at right)

Conditions for the entire hike

This and the next:  The Gap

A favorite arroyo

Leafless Ocotillo

Rugged Organ Mountains

Sun trying to break through

This and the next:  another favorite arroyo

Bushwhacking far west of Tortugas

This Torrey Yucca is between 15 and 18 feet tall

Tortugas and the distant Organ Mountains

Soaptree Yucca

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That first photo--Across the Mesilla Valley--is so gorgeous. Kind of a dreary morning, but your photos make the most of dynamic sky.

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