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Friday, November 1, 2019

Fine Feathered Friend

Single-track west
Took a very long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, much of it spent bushwhacking and exploring a distant arroyo.  I was most fascinated by the small House Finch I spent over ten minutes watching eat Soaptree Yucca seeds.  I got a big kick out of the noise it made rattling its head inside the seed pods to loosen the innards.  The bird was well aware of my presence, not bothered at all by my curious behavior; or, perhaps, it enjoyed having its picture taken.

Although it was cold at the start of my trek (28F) things warmed up quickly with the brilliant sunshine that flooded the desert.  I had to remove my L.L. Bean PrimaLoft jacket and stow it in my new REI Osprey Talon 11 pack, which I used for the first time today.  The pack was comfortable, but not very roomy; it's definitely a pack best used in warmer seasons.

Although I saw other outdoor enthusiast on and around the mountain I had no direct encounters with people.
Soaptree Yucca

This and the next 3:  same Torrey Yucca

Spent a lot of time exploring this arroyo (just below center)

Spent over 10 minutes watching this House Finch eat Soaptree Yucca seeds

This and the next:  Soaptree Yucca in which the House Finch ate seeds

Far west of the mountain

A favorite Torrey Yucca

This and the next:  Soaptree Yuccas in the arroyo

Desert flora west of Tortugas Mountain

This and the next:  same Soaptree Yucca

Tortugas and the Organs

Cactus Wren on Ocotillo branch

View from a small arroyo

Art Garfunkel?

Yucca ballet

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo of the House Finch digging into the dried Yucca pod to get the seeds.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...