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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Normal Outing

Leaning Barrel Cactus
After yesterday's encounter with a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake I have to admit I had snakes on my mind as we did our usual hike, even crossing the spot where I photographed the rattler.  No such sighting today.

On the drive home I stopped to photograph some spectacular blossoming Chollas in a residential yard off Tellbrook Road.  The owners have provided the perfect landscaping for the plants--softball-sized rocks that obviously retain a lot of moisture.

Dr. K was able to make an appointment at the vet for Willow and Frio to get their rattlesnake vaccinations this afternoon.

Dessicated fruit on above Barrel Cactus

This & next:  male Gambel's Quail

Even the Soaptree Yuccas are parched

Deadwood arch

This & next 2:  Frio and Willow

In the shadow of a large yucca

Western Kingbird

Mormon Tea (female plant)

The rest:  blooming Cholla in a residential yard


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous images of the blooming Cholla flowers. And I also really like the photos of the male Quail.

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