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Thursday, May 19, 2022

Air Today

First 2:  smoke worse than yesterday
Not much to say (as if there's ever) about this morning's hike; we did the same trek as yesterday, and we inhaled a lot of smoke.  The air was much worse today.

We ran into nary a critter during our outing; all, undoubtedly, having the good sense to stay out of the heat and smoke.  Heelers had the smarts to take many shade breaks, and I accommodated them.

I love getting out for our morning treks in the desert, but when conditions are as dire as they were today I can't wait for the hike to end.  At one point this morning I told the Heelers, "Let's get this hike over with as soon as possible."


Soaptree Yucca, mesquite tree and moon

This & next:  same Soaptree Yucca as above

Desert Willow near the Tellbrook Arroyo

Three fliers through the smoke

Yucca shade break

Long view toward Tortugas Mountain

This & next:  our favorite Torrey Yucca

Willow and Frio

Almost a blossom

Yellow sap oozing out of Prickly Pear pad

Deadwood in Right Branch Arroyo

Organ Mountains are back there


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love that image of the Heelers in the photo you call Yucca shade break.

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