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Friday, May 6, 2022

All In For Hawk

Just getting started on a warm Friday morning
Because there were two women hiking with a white and a black Lab near us when we got out of the CR-V the Heelers and I descended the hill next to the upper flatland road into Right Branch Arroyo and trekked all the way down to the Tellbrook Arroyo.  I could see the women and their canine companions heading up LDR.

Because I spotted the Swainson's Hawk on his usual perch I decided we would finally bushwhack over close to him to see if I could get some decent images.  He was very patient with us as we approached, and he didn't take off until we were fairly near.  After that we had to find a way back over to the Left Branch Arroyo, which we did with ease because we'd hiked that route before.  I felt a bit anxious about bushwhacking through grass because rattlers are out and about, but Willow was a great pathfinder, and I kept Mr. Frio behind me most of the way.

When I began photo-editing my images after we got home I was disappointed with the images of the hawk.  I'll have to try again another day.

Flowering Prickly Pear

This & next:   Swainson's Hawk was on his usual perch

Serious bushwhacking to photograph the hawk

Not a great image

Willow and Frio taking a bushwhack break

This & next:  Swainson's Hawk

The long view

This & next:  Black-chinned Hummer

This & next:  two more long views

Frio and Willow on break in Right Branch Arroyo

Flowering Prickly Pear

Tortugas and the Organs

This & next 2:  Black-throated Sparrow eating Ocotillo fruit

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those photos of the Black-throated Sparrow eating the red Ocotillo flowers are so good, Packrat.

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