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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Air Quality: Poor

White-winged Dove
Doppler Dave Spielman, meteorologist at KVIA (ABC) in El Paso, said we'd have smoke from the fire in the Black Range today, and did we ever; the air quality was very poor when Willow, Frio and I set off on our morning exploration.  For a while I was coughing from a pinching feeling in my throat.

We did our normal trek this morning, and, because of the bad air, I couldn't wait to finish it.

After the hike we drove down to our local post office to mail a few bills.  The air didn't look much better during our drive; and, now, in the late morning, the sun is shining through smoky haze in the most anemic fashion.

Smoke from the Black Range Fire in the Gila Wilderness

Pimento Olive plant

Ocotillo flower

Standing in yucca shade

New and the old

Across the desert floor

Frio and Willow

Smoke from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness fire

The rest:  Desert Willow in our yard


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos of the Desert Willow flowers. But my favorite image is the close-up of the Ocotillo flower.

Nest Building

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