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Friday, May 20, 2022

Cool Zephyr

Pale moon
It was strangely cool on our morning outing today, and a light breeze kept it that way during most of our outing; also, the sun was often blocked by cloud cover which kept the temperature down.

Thankfully the smoke that shrouded the mountains the last few days seems to have dissipated for now.  I couldn't smell any, nor did I have a dry tickle in my throat from the pollutant.

We saw nobody during our trek, but as we stood on the top of the hill west of Right Branch Arroyo while I took a snapshot of the Organs I saw the guy with white hat (henceforth to be known as "Mr. White Hat") and his dog, which ran ahead of him.  Mr. White Hat drives a large white van.  (That sounds like the first line of a poem:  Mr. White Hat drives a large white van./Ahead of him his canine ran.)

This & next:  much less smoke over the mountains

I propped her up


Our friend the Swainson's Hawk

Nature's bounty

Frio and Willow

You crack me up

Willow and Frio

Cloud swirl

Almost out of Right Branch Arroyo

Prickly Pear bud

End-of-hike sky over the Organ Mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo of the Yucca that you propped up. And also the one where Frio seems to be laughing.


Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo It felt like spring out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily trek. Prickly an...