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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Bad Air, Wind and Birds

Cholla flower
There was a lot of smoke from the fires in the air when we started off this morning; and the wind was pretty bad.  Gusty conditions won't help with the forest fires burning in our state.

We did our regular hike today, and were entertained (at least I was) by the many birds we spotted out there.  A White-winged Dove tolerated our presence for a long spell; I was photographing it while it consumed Ocotillo seeds.

We took plenty of shade breaks in the hot desert during the trek, several in Right Branch Arroyo as we made our way out.

At home I had the pleasure of photographing a juvenile Say's Phoebe hunting insects near the house.  It kept coming back to the trellis near the front porch, and I kept snapping pictures of it.

White-winged Dove

Black-throated Sparrow

Old and new again


This & next 5:  White-winged Dove eating Ocotillo seeds

Lone Ocotillo flower

The long view

Willow and Frio on break in a yucca shadow

The rest:  juvenile Say's Phoebe


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the dove eating the Ocotillo flowers and of the Say’s Phoebe. And of course I also love the close-up of our Heelers.

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