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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Drier and Hotter

Long view of Tortugas and the Organs
Good hike today, but couldn't help noticing how dry the desert is; I don't know how long it's been since our last significant rainfall, but we need moisture drastically.  The heat doesn't help; we're headed for a high of 96F today. 

Willow and Frio were especially good during the trek, not lunging in the least when we encountered two desert cottontails at close range; both critters lit out when they saw us, but the Heelers were well behaved.

Still a little apprehensive when we crossed the spot I photographed the Western Diamondback day before yesterday.  Finding snake-like sticks like the one pictured below never helps the nerves.

Frio and Willow

Where water flows in the desert

Big mouth rabbit


Every stick is a snake after a rattler encounter


Willow and Frio


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the dove. I like the expression on its face.

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