Break in LDR-A arroyo
This morning we had hiked all the way up Left Branch Arroyo and had begun to make our way over to the middle branch when I noticed a guy with a dog coming down from the left branch head. Neither of the Heelers saw them at first, but then Frio picked up on their presence.
Then Willow saw them. When the guy's dog--which seemed friendly--approached, all heck broke loose from my hounds from hell. There was yelping, barking, whining, whimpering and barking again. Oh, and I forgot to mention, incredible pulling on leads. Fortunately the man called his canine away, and my dogs finally settled down.
I really haven't made any headway in training my over-reactive Heelers, especially Willow, who goes ballistic in the presence of other dogs. She was a nightmare when we took them to the vet last week for their rattlesnake vaccinations. Got to figure something out to get them under control.
Lone bloomer
This & next 2: Jackrabbit we had the pleasure to meet
Soaptree Yucca blooming
Swainson's Hawk was back after a few days away
Me and my shadow
This & next 2: hope springs eternal
This & next 2: 3 minor variations of the same view
Where water flows in the desert
Is he still there?
Willow and Frio
Last 3: Mexican Palo Verde (Parkinsonia aculeata)
1 comment:
Lovely close-up photos of the Mexican Palo Verdes.
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