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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Another Forest Adventure

Early morning view from the living room
It was another adventure in the forest around our place for Dr. K, Willow, Frio and me.  We did a lot of steep climbing and steep descending which is very hard on old knees.

We had a good time nonetheless, primarily because the weather was quite nice.  At first it seemed the wind might be a problem, but the trees shielded us nicely.

We got a lot of good exercise this morning, and after lunch I played ball with Frio in the front yard.  He never gets enough of the game.

Bushwhacking through the forest


Frio and Willow

This & next 3:  trees along the way

Long view

"A" good place to rest

This & next:  headed back

This & next:  Haynes Canyon

Almost there


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's amazing the way that those tree branches have formed a perfect "A."

Hike Sans Wind

The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...