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Sunday, November 13, 2022


Starting with Soaptree Yuccas
We had a couple of happy Heelers on our trek this morning; we let them off lead down at the bottom of LDR-A and kept them loose until we reached the small mesquite tree in Right Branch Arroyo.  They behaved excellently, never once bolting from the route; true, there were no distractions to tempt them, but they seemed less rambunctious overall today.

We went for a short ride around various nearby neighborhoods after our outing, and we enjoyed the journey.

This & next:  dynamic sky

Angry bird (Loggerhead Shrike)

This & next 2:  Organ Mountains

Last 2:  Soaptree Yuccas


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's a cute photo of the Loggerhead Shrike.

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