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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Meep Meep

There's a moon in this pic
Early hike this morning with Willow and Frio after which we returned and finished packing for our trip to the high country, where we are now.

Too tired to write much at this time, but needless to say I took a lot of photos of a Roadrunner.  Meep meep.

Tortugas and the Organs


Frio and Willow

All Roadrunner pics are of the same individual except the last

Right Branch Arroyo

This & next:  clouds over hill

I guess it could be the same Roadrunner

Mouning Dove

Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Wonderful photos of the roadrunner. My favorite is the one where it's staring directly at you.


Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo It felt like spring out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily trek. Prickly an...