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Saturday, March 4, 2023

Trio Trek

Just the three of us this morning on our daily trek.  Only real thing of note was a rather close encounter with the man and woman who hike with their Basset Hounds.  Willow, Frio and I were approaching the neck of Right Branch Arroyo--the section just before it turns into a narrow single-track trail--when I spotted a man walking northward along the ridge of the steep hill to the west.  A moment later I saw a woman, and when the hounds began barking I knew it was the Bassets.

I managed to get Willow and Frio onto their leads just before they noticed the dogs.  Both Heelers were duly excited, wanting to get over to meet and perhaps fight the strangers.  Rather than coming down into the arroyo the man led the hounds to the left and out onto LDR-A.  Just as we crested the hill I saw the people and dogs trekking down the dirt road. 

Mostly Soaptree Yuccas
Willow and Frio
Organ Mountains X
Organ Mountains
This & next:  chorus line of Soaptree Yuccas
Torrey Yucca
This & next:  Willow and Frio
Soaptree Yucca
Frio and Willow

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like that chorus line of Soaptree Yuccas.

Nest Building

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