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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Sun Makes All the Difference

Mesquites and the mountains
Just under 40F when we started off this morning, but the absence of wind and clouds and the omnipresent sunshine made it feel pretty nice on our daily hike.

We saw an older woman running south on LDR and then turn around to reverse direction.  Frio and Willow saw her both times; when they were on lead they pulled to get over to her, but when they were off lead they just watched her progress.

Looked for, but did not see our coyote buddy today.  Hoping we'll see him again in the near future.

Soaptree Yucca (foreground) and Torrey Yucca

Triple Fishhook Barrel Cactus

Frio and Willow footloose and fancy free

Soaptree Yuccas and the mountains

Morning moon

Dead tree

Looking down at Right Branch Arroyo

Yuccas and mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the image of the Mesquites and the mountains.

First Hike 2025

Picacho and environs Dr. K, Willow and I did the first hike of the new year this morning.  Just as we got started we spotted the Basset peop...