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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bird in the Bush

This morning's moon
Scorcher out there this morning.  We did our usual route with no extra yardage.  Saw no other nature enthusiasts (lunatics?) while we were out there.

A bit more humid today, and we're headed for a high of 105F.  Not our favorite hiking conditions.


Yucca seed pods and the mountains

Yucca stalk with seed pods

Soaptree Yuccas and the Organ Mountains

Willow in partial shadow

Pyrrhuloxia (aka "Desert Cardinal")

Three-crowned and ancient Soaptree in the left branch arroyo

Three-crowned Soaptree Yucca

Willow at rest near her favorite Torrey Yucca

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Monday Trek

This & next:  headed down the middle branch arroyo
Another hot hike this morning, but not nearly as bad as yesterday morning; it didn't seem as humid and the breeze was more consistently present.

We followed our normal route without adding extra distance.  Nobody else seemed to be hiking in the desert while we were there, but we did hear somebody across the valley riding a dirt bike; never saw anybody, though.

Willow in shade


Old codger

This & next 2:  Black-chinned Hummingbird

Last 3:  views from the middle branch arroyo

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Heater

This & next:  Soaptree Yucca seed pod
Hot and humid out there during our morning hike.  Dr. K, Willow and I did the usual route without adding distance.

We saw six other hikers going up and down LDR-A; three were dressed in camouflage outfits (perhaps ROTC members) and three wore everyday clothes.  We waved to each other at one point.

After the trek I took a quick shower and went to Albertsons to do my half of the weekly grocery shopping.

This & next:  Willow in the shadow of her favorite yucca

Distant hikers

Tortugas and the Organs


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Low Desert Trek Again

Looking back up LDR-A
Rather hot and humid this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our low desert hike.  Fortunately there was a steady breeze to ameliorate the heat.

We saw no other hikers while we were out there, though somebody in a black Toyota Tacoma drove down LDR and turned toward the mountain on the first outer loop road; the pickup truck parked on the road.

After our trek we drove over to the PanAm center to mail a couple of bills.

This & next 2:  Soaptree Yucca in LDR-A arroyo

This & next:  Western Kingbird

This & next:  in the left branch

Postal worker's house or homeowner currying favor?


Friday, June 21, 2024

Sacramentos Early, Chihuahuan Late

Haynes Canyon on a rainy morning
We weren't able to do a hike this morning because of light rain; I did take Willow up our road on a failed attempt to get her to do her business.  Later, Dr. K, Willow and I went up the road for the same purpose.  No luck.  Even later I walked her up the road and "bonanza"--she finally delivered.

After that we packed up, made sure the cabin was secure and took off down the mountain.  It rained all the way back to Las Cruces; not a heavy, but a steady, light rain.  I thought maybe Whitey the CR-V would benefit from the clean precip, but the vehicle was filthy by the time we got home.

This & next 5:  Sacramentos looking different under rain

Wils on our driveway

The rest:  Organ Mountains from Baylor Canyon Road


Bird in the Bush

This morning's moon Scorcher out there this morning.  We did our usual route with no extra yardage.  Saw no other nature enthusiasts (lu...