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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bridal Veil Trek

1st 2:  Sacramentos early this morning
Partly cloudy and much cooler when Dr. K, Willow and I hiked the Bridal Veil Falls Trail this morning; also there was a refreshing breeze that provided natural evaporative cooling.

Made a lot of stops to take photographs while we were trekking--forty to be exact.  Some images came out pretty well.

We saw no other nature enthusiasts during our outing, which, to be honest, is just how we like it.

Willow on our road

In the forest behind our cabin

This & next:  Haynes Canyon

Pumphouse shadow

Cloud Climbing Railroad trestle

Footbridge over the creek

View into the Tularosa Basin

Down to the desert

This & next 2:  same view, different zoom

This & next 2:  Ash-throated Flycatcher

Coming your way, kid

White Sands NP in the gap

Willow and Dr. K

Start here

Heading down the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Tularosa Basin phone pic

Heading up and then down

Down to the gorge


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful images, Packrat. My favorite is the one you titled Heading Up and Then Down.

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