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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Century Mark and Then Some

1st 2:  desert haze
Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a very hot morning.  We added no extra distance for an obvious reason:  excessive heat.

Unsurprisingly we saw no other nature lovers out there today.  What's to love in this kind of weather?

Willow and Dr. K


This & next:  Pinacate Beetle

This & next:  Prickly Pear Cactus

This & next:  heat haze

This & next:  Mourning Dove nest in our Desert Willow


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those Mourning Doves need a lesson in how to build sturdier nests.

Friday's Feathered Friend

Sky over the Organs Overcast for our hike this morning, but muy humido.  The sun never broke through during our outing, which consisted of t...