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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday's Sojourn

1st 3:  clouds over desert
It was just as cloudy this morning as yesterday morning, but much cooler:  76F at start of hike.  Also, it was less humid and there was more of a breeze.  All three trekkers appreciated the reprieve.

We followed our usual route without adding distance.  Afterward we drove over to our local Circle K, fueled the CR-V and took a long ride around several different neighborhoods.  We listened to Matt and Myron's Sunday Morning show, but Matt was absent so it wasn't as funny as usual.  We enjoyed it nonetheless.

We're trying to decide on a date to head to the Sacramento Mountains, where, unfortunately it's been quite hot as well.

Across the desert to the Organs

Soaptree Yucca

This kind of morning

This and next:  unripe prickly pears

Old yucca trunk


Heading up the right branch arroyo

Mourning Dove with chicks


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo of the Mourning Dove with chicks in their nest.

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