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Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday's Slight Detour

View from the right branch, where we started off
A black SUV parked midway down LDR forced Willow and me to alter our normal route.  Instead of descending LDR-A and adjacent arroyo--where we might have encountered vehicle owner and dog(s)--we descended the steep hill east of our CR-V dropping down into the right branch arroyo.

From there we hit the junction with the left branch arroyo, ascended it for a bit before bushwhacking eastward to the saddle and 4210 hill, which we climbed.  We turned around then and retraced our steps back to the left branch.

We finished our usual trek after that.

Willow headed down the trail alongside the right branch

Looking south up the right branch

Distant view of Tortugas and the Organs from the right branch

Yuccas atop 4210 hill from the right branch

Trail across 4210 hill

This & next:  I've looked at yuccas from both sides now

Break time for Wils

Phone pic of our fave yucca

Willow in the left branch


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the image of Willow in the left branch arroyo. And also the phone photo of our favorite Yucca.

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