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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

After an Early Shower

Poor shot of a distant Scott's Oriole
We had a short, but heavy shower this morning before we left on our hike.  The humidity was incredibly high while we were out there (still is), and the sun broke through on occasion in order to broil we three lunatic trekkers.

Did our usual route with no added distance; we may be crazy, but we're not stupid.  Saw no other fools braving the elements today.

Morning sky

Willow on early break

After-rain humidity haze

This & next: crossing from the left branch to the middle

Heading down the middle branch

This & next:  Willow on later break

Long view from the right branch

Prickly Pear Cactus between Hedgehog Cacti

Steep hill west of the right branch arroyo

Last 4:  adult male Pyrrhuloxia (Desert Cardinal)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous photos of the male Desert Cardinal. My favorite is the last one on this post.

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