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Wednesday, August 6, 2008


No field research around Tortugas Mountain today because we had to stick here at COC to take care of some paperwork. Research Associate Becca hates to be chained to a desk instead of roaming free in the desert, but every once in a while it's a necessary evil. Nevertheless, there's always time for a photo op or two here on the grounds. We noticed that some of the quail that were just peepers a month ago have turned into curious adolescents.
A few of these teenagers will soon be asking their parents if they can borrow the car keys to go out on dates.
I don't know what these individuals were eating, but they spent a lot of time feretting it out. Ants?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's so nice to see these quail families. Packrat, have you ever seen their nests?

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