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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wildlife Worries

Before we'd even left COC this morning, Research Associate Becca had discovered a baby rabbit on the grounds.
I made a cardboard tent to stand over the rabbit because I was worried it would bake in the sun.
Wildlife rehabilitators advise not to do anything unless the animal is injured, but it's hard to ignore such a helpless little critter.
On our field trip around Tortugas Mountain later, we came upon this gopher snake, who seemed untroubled by our presence.
Closeup of the snake's beautiful markings.


Dr. K said...

This baby rabbit is so cute!

I'm glad you didn't run into a rattler.

Unknown said...

wow--what a cute little bunny. I hope it does OK...

New Bird

Willow looking down our road We decided that we'd do another forest hike behind our cabin rather than doing a Rim Trail trek this mornin...