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Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Windy Hike

Jet contrail over Tortugas
If it hadn't been for a high wind our hike would have been fine this morning.  But a constant wind kept the chill factor low, and we cut our trek a little short.  Nevertheless, we both enjoyed our time in the outback, seeing only two other hikers, both men with dogs.  No close encounters, though.
The high wind forced this balloon to touch down sooner than planned

Lots of jet activity

Staring across a vast expanse of desert


Dr. K said...

2Lots of activity in the sky this morning.

Scott said...

I can't believe that the balloonists took off, given the wind conditions you described. Shouldn't they have known better?

The image of Becca gazing across the desert to the Organs is really evocative.

packrat said...

Scott: I learned later from Dr. K that the official Mesilla Valley Balloon Rally was cancelled, but some disappointed hot-air balloonists ventured out anyway. Crazy.

Close Encounter of the Basset Kind

Yucca and mountains early morning Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a frigid morning; even though the sun shone brightly the temp ...