Getting started on Tortugas |
Crazy canine on the run |
Strong wind led to dynamic sky |
Up ahead of the pack |
Wind-shredded clouds |
Remnants of snow in the high country |
Patches of snow at our high-country retreat |
Getting started on Tortugas |
Crazy canine on the run |
Strong wind led to dynamic sky |
Up ahead of the pack |
Wind-shredded clouds |
Remnants of snow in the high country |
Patches of snow at our high-country retreat |
Yucca and mountains early morning Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a frigid morning; even though the sun shone brightly the temp ...
A beautiful day in the high and low country.
Packrat: Your cold weather has migrated eastward. We got a snow squall last night that left about an inch of snow. It was 15 degrees when I work up this morning, and very windy--but you know those conditions. Brutal! Today's high will be in the mid-20s, though it's sunny.
Good thing the water situation at the mountain retreat just turned out to be a scare and not frozen. Our retirement house outside Fort Collins is winterized, but you, Dr. K, and Becca go up to High Rolls too frequently to make winterizing worthwhile.
I figured you guys were in for some really cold weather, Scott. My cousin in Kentucky told me it was 11 degrees when she got up this morning. Brrrr.
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