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Monday, January 21, 2013

The Difference Between Low and High

Getting started on Tortugas
Dr. K, Becca and I took a hike on the west side of Tortugas Mountain before heading straight up to the high country to check on our cabin.  A friend who has a place in the Sacramentos told us that they had no water because the water-storage tank was frozen.  Fortunately, our storage tank--which is plumbed from the bottom--was fine; and the pumphouse heater was working properly, so all the equipment was toasty.  Well, maybe not "toasty," but not frozen.  Two of Becca's dog buddies--Champ and Hoss--came to see us.  It was a nice, albeit short, visit.
Crazy canine on the run

Strong wind led to dynamic sky

Up ahead of the pack

Wind-shredded clouds

Remnants of snow in the high country

Patches of snow at our high-country retreat


Dr. K said...

A beautiful day in the high and low country.

Scott said...

Packrat: Your cold weather has migrated eastward. We got a snow squall last night that left about an inch of snow. It was 15 degrees when I work up this morning, and very windy--but you know those conditions. Brutal! Today's high will be in the mid-20s, though it's sunny.

Good thing the water situation at the mountain retreat just turned out to be a scare and not frozen. Our retirement house outside Fort Collins is winterized, but you, Dr. K, and Becca go up to High Rolls too frequently to make winterizing worthwhile.

packrat said...

I figured you guys were in for some really cold weather, Scott. My cousin in Kentucky told me it was 11 degrees when she got up this morning. Brrrr.

Close Encounter of the Basset Kind

Yucca and mountains early morning Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a frigid morning; even though the sun shone brightly the temp ...