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Monday, January 14, 2013

We Saw Deer, Dear

Starting out on Tortugas's west side
Another really cold start this morning--18 F.  About midway into the hike it started to feel warmer, but the wind picked up and put the kibosh on that sensation.  Behind the mountain we came upon a small herd of Mule Deer.  Of course, Becca spotted them way before I did.  They were very curious, but not threatened at all because of the distance between us.  It's always a treat to see these majestic animals browsing in their native Chihuahuan Desert.  
Mule Deer behind the mountain

Two individuals in a small herd

Four curious individuals

Far enough away to make fleeing irrelevant

Major arroyo west of Tortoise Mountain

Becca trying to surprise Mule Deer


Dr. K said...

It's funny to think of Becca and the deer being so curious about each other.

Scott said...

Nice images of the deer, Packrat.

packrat said...

Thanks, Scott.

Close Encounter of the Basset Kind

Yucca and mountains early morning Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a frigid morning; even though the sun shone brightly the temp ...