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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bitter Cold

Frozen foothills
It was 15 F. when Dr. K, Becca and I set off for Tortugas Mountain this morning.  Dr. K and I were bundled up big time.  Fortunately, there was little wind, so the sun somewhat ameliorated the cold.  Other than somebody who had parked a car in the Sunset parking area and left the lights on we were the only idiots hiking in the frigid conditions.  Later, when we drove down to El Paso to have lunch with friends we drove through a patch of freezing fog that was rising from the pavement like smoke.
Ice-covered sections of telephone poles near the lineman school grounds

Sunny, but cold!

Freezing fog in the Mesilla Valley

Headed back

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

We might be idiots, but we had a nice hike.

Blustery Trek

Where are the Organs? It was windy when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning, but we were fortunate in that we were sheltered f...