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Friday, January 18, 2013

Getting Back to Normal

In the high foothills
We've almost returned to normal temperatures now, and it felt great to be out and about in the Chihuahuan Desert.  We saw quite a few sentient beings during our trek, including three Mule Deer who we accidentally sneaked up on while they were browsing.  When they saw us they took off, bounding rapidly across the desert floor like kangaroos.  We were able to follow their tracks in the soft sand, but we never saw the animals again.
Torrey Yucca and Tortugas Mountain

Looking at the Organ Mountains

Fairly-fresh deer scat

Becca and assorted desert flora

The long view

Another hiker and his dog

There's a Mule Deer in there.  See it?

Two Mule Deer butts

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That's a lot of deer scat.

Close Encounter of the Basset Kind

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