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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wind Event (Day Two)

Heavy clouds nearly obscure the Organ Mountains
In the early-morning hours the wind wasn't as bad as predicted, but at 10:15 a.m. it was as if somebody turned the blower on "high."  It's been whipping ever since.  Toward the end of our trek this morning we were fortunate enough to run into J.C. and his dog, Shaque, as well as our friend Jimmy.  The five of us hiked together from the base of the road that leads to the mountaintop back to the Sunset parking area together.  We were among the few lunatics braving the elements.  We were lucky not to get the snow that blew through the El Paso region.
The Franklin Mountains outside of El Paso

Southern section of the Organ Mountains

Chihuahuan Desert wind storm

Not spooked by the wind


Dr. K said...

Really nice photos of the clouds, sky, and desert.

Scott said...

Ominous clouds in the first few images...

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K.

"Ominous" describes them nicely, Scott. They were a harbinger of quite a wind storm.

Close Encounter of the Basset Kind

Yucca and mountains early morning Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a frigid morning; even though the sun shone brightly the temp ...