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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Becca on the Crosscut Trail
Today was the coldest day of winter so far--in terms of hiking.  The temperature was just above twenty degrees and there was a constant, biting wind.  It was so cold I almost decided to take no photographs, but what's a Desert Packrat blog post without images?  Surprisingly, there were other outdoor enthusiasts about, including two women with one dog each.  At one point I had to make Becca sit for a few minutes until the women hikers/dogs cleared out of the way.


Dr. K said...

This is one time when I'm glad I wasn't hiking.

Scott said...

'Twas the coldest night of our winter so far last night, too, but there was no wind here. That makes a big difference.

packrat said...

Geez, the way you started that comment off, Scott, I thought it was a new Christmas poem.


Close Encounter of the Basset Kind

Yucca and mountains early morning Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a frigid morning; even though the sun shone brightly the temp ...