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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bel Giorno

Rodent inspector
Becca and I did an extra-long hike around to the south side of Tortugas Mountain this morning, where we ran into a young woman jogger.  Not literally.  We saw a few other outdoorspeople enjoying the beautiful day.  One of them was Greg, who was headed to the top of the mountain.  Greg has been retired exactly one year, and he's lived here eight or nine months.  I don't believe Greg is married, though I've never asked.  He had thought about retiring to Deming, New Mexico, but decided the town was too run-down.
Becca was very interested in this bush.  See why?

Here's why


Strange contrails over the Organs

Heading south of Tortugas

Old Curved Bill (Thrasher, that is)

I thought this cloud looked like a crab when I snapped its photo



Dr. K said...

Spring is coming, so the wildlife are becoming more plentiful.

Scott said...

I see the crab, but it strikes me more as a beetle with huge pinching mandibles.

packrat said...

OK, Scott, I'm not going to quibble over cloud shapes.


Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...