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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Post Root-Canal Hike

Getting started on the trail out of Monte Vista
I had a root canal this morning at 8:00, and Becca and I were on the trail around Tortugas Mountain by 10:00.  Becca was a lucky canine today because Dr. K took her on a short hike early, and I took her (Becca) on a slightly longer hike later.  We saw absolutely nobody out there.  And it was a lot hotter than I thought it would be.  We're headed for the mid-70s today.
House-sized boulders

Across the desert behind Tortugas Mountain

One of two observatories barely visible atop Tortugas Mountain

Telephoto shot of the observatory

A healthy young Barrel Cactus

Two majestic sights:  Becca and Tortugas Mountain

Northeast shoulder of Tortugas

Site of old mining operation (white scar, middle of the mountain)


Caroline said...

Beautiful photos! and I hope you're feeling OK after your root canal.

Dr. K said...

I can't believe you took these nice photos right after your root canal.

Scott said...

My dentist is located near a state park, so sometimes (when I don't have too much work to do) I walk at the state park after my dental appointment. If I've had a filling (cf., just a cleaning), I usually find that I'm tired when I begin my walk--it "takes more out of me" than I think it should just sitting in a chair for an hour. So, you're a real trooper for going out after a root canal.

We "dodged the bullet" with our forecast Wednesday snowstorm (just rain), but we're getting light snow this morning (Friday), with about two inches on the ground now. However, the weekend's supposed to be sunny and in the mid-50s both days, so the snow won't last long.

packrat said...

Thanks, Caroline. Feeling fine now.

packrat said...

Two inches of snow would be pretty significant for us, Scott.

Your mention of your dentist near the state park made me think of the state park my brother and I visited when we were back in Pennsylvania last October: Raccoon Creek State Park near Pittsburgh. Fantastic!

Scott said...

I don't know if there are any dentists near Raccoon Creek State Park [:-)], but it is a lovely, large state park. I went to graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh and, though I didn't visit Raccoon Creek often, our ecology classes went there occasionally to do field exercises. Did you know that much of the park was developed on land reclaimed from coal strip mines?

packrat said...


My brother and I had dinner at an Outback Steak House (a first for me) the day we visited Raccoon Creek, and our waiter told us the park was on land that had previously been, in part, strip mines. He also said that there had been issues with tailing pollutants leaching into the lake.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...