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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Overcast Morning

Not quite in bloom
We did an extra-long hike this morning, heading from the northwest side of Tortugas Mountain and circling around back to the south side.  In the entire time we saw only one other person--a jogger--who was heading west toward his red Jeep Wrangler, parked on the dirt road that heads east from Tellbrook Road.  We did run into Greg back at the parking lot, who made a snide comment about the jacket I was wearing.  He was under dressed for the hike--short-sleeved shirt and shorts--but I said nothing.  He'd find out soon enough.
A thorny breakfast for a Jackrabbit

A hike without sun

The long view to the Organs

South of Tortugas, east of the Organs

Becca spots a distant jogger in the outback

This is the jogger she spotted

Rock house ruins

Exploring near a cave entrance

South side of Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I wonder who lived in that rock house.

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