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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Buona Pascua (Happy Easter)

Dr. K, Becca and I took a long Easter- morning hike in the starkly beautiful Chihuahuan Desert.  The weather was perfect, warm with a slight breeze, headed for a high of 80 F.  Not too many people were out when we started off, but when we got back near the parking lot we saw that it was quite full.  We don't celebrate Easter, but a lot of my cousins in Italy and Germany do.  So to them I say:  Buona Pasqua ai miei cugini italo-tedeschi.
Two riders enjoying a beautiful morning

Becca in fly-killer mode

Had to take a long shot, but I think it's a Say's Phoebe

Material for a Crown of Thorns

I've fallen and I can't get up


Dr. K said...

Happy Easter to all.

Scott said...

Struck me as a phoebe when I saw the image (before I read your caption). And, I like the image of the lenticular cloud over the mountains.

Our Easter day started out with hazy sun which quickly disappeared behind clouds. On an afternoon walk, we got sprinkles, and by the time Kali and I joined some friends for an unplanned, impromptu dinner, it was showering.

packrat said...

Sounds like a good Easter day, Scott.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...