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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In the High Country Again

Dr. K lined up for the firing squad
We've been at our place in High Rolls since about 3:00 p.m.  Becca had the distinct pleasure of playing with her buddies Champ, Haley and Hoss when we arrived.  Hoss has finally stopped smelling like the skunk spray from the one who got him.  They all had a good time before the three of them trudged back to their nearby home.  Our hot water has a rotten-egg smell from the aluminum anode in the new water heater we installed recently interacting with the water from our well.  It will take about a day before the odor dissipates.  In the meantime we feel as if we've been locked in a room with a ton of hardboiled eggs.
Living on the edge

Notice the attire; still chilly up here

Headed up the gravel drive

The Sacramento Mountains near Haynes Canyon

Becca and the pumphouse

One of the swankier homes in the area

Perched on the ridge

Elk scat on our property


Scott said...

Nice view across the Sacramento Mountains; much greener than Tortugas!

After four days of dreadful, dreary weather, we're in for a spate of welcome sunny days, but the temperatures will still be in the low 40s.

Dr. K said...

This is a nice way to celebrate spring.

packrat said...

Yes, Scott, it's way greener than Tortugas here, yet it's been pretty dry. I have ongoing worries about this long-term drought gripping the West.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...