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Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Look of Spring

Cotton-candy sky
Unlike yesterday, there were just a few other outdoor enthusiasts on and about the mountain this morning. We didn't run into anybody.  We made sure of that by doing a lot of bushwhacking across the desert floor.  It paid off.  We saw visible signs of the beginning of Spring:  Ocotillo buds and Claret Cup Cactus flowers.  Soon the trees will begin leafing out and the Creosote Bushes will be covered in fragrant yellow blooms after the first good rain.
Heading down trail

Ocotillos are beginning to bud

Somebody's headed up the mountain

Torrey Yucca

Claret Cup Cactus starting to bloom

Looking down at the Claret Cup Cactus

A bright, orangish-red flower

Waiting patiently while Packrat takes too many photographs

A Red-Tail Hawk in flight


Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower and bird. Thanks to Becca for being patient - it was worth it:)

Dr. K said...

So nice to see the desert begin to bloom.

Scott said...

Great images lately, Packrat. Organ Peak in blue (in yesterday's post), and the images of the flowering cacti and the flying hawk in today's post are exceptional.

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos!

packrat said...

Thank you, Ruby, Dr. K, Scott and Caroline. Your compliments are greatly appreciated.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...